As evidenced by my long hiatus from posting, I've been keeping myself quite busy these past few months. Two of the projects I've been working on include writing the content for Fanang Diatla Self-Help Project's new website (designed pro bono by Crafty Arrow Designs) and organizing a rock climbing trip for some of Ga-Mathabatha's Children of the Dawn. The former is still a work-in-progress (please feel free to send me any feedback if you are so inclined), but the latter went off without a hitch this past weekend in one of my favorite places in South Africa: Waterval Boven.
On the blog portion of Fanang Diatla's website, I've posted a trip report from the weekend, including some photos. I've also uploaded many more photos to a Picasa album here. Enjoy!
Ed, Sounds like a lot of fun!
Reading your posts makes me ever hopeful that I will be in the group leaving for SA in Jan.
Another quick question for you..
Would you buy a beater "travel" guitar here in the States, or would you attempt to buy one in Pretoria?
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